World Softboard League Photo Comp

Waves have been pumping everywhere lately and the ‪#‎worldsoftboardleague‬ entries are stacking up!! Below is a couple of the latest entries that have caught our eye. Remember all entries must be posted to Instagram and tagged with @catchsurf, ‪#‎catchsurf‬, and #worldsoftboardleague. Submission period ends December 31st and the $1000 winner will be hand picked by @whoisjob and @kalanirobb and announced January 7th, 2016. Grab your Catch Surf shred sled and make some magic!!

Perry Pruitt Catch Surf Odysea Skipper surfboard world softboard league Perry Pruitt Pic. Ian Tsonez Flynn Novak Catch Surf odysea Skipper surfboard world softboard league Flynn Novak Pic. Jake Marote Gabriel Medina Catch Surf Odysea LOG surfboard world softboard league Gabriel Medina Pic. Rafael Moura Ezra Sitt Catch Surf odysea Skipper surfboard world softboard league Ezra Sitt Pic. Jake Marote
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