Random Pix Wednesday

Blair Conklin Catch Surf Odysea Stump soft surfboard clothingBlair Conklin avoiding the wetsuit this holiday and grabbing his Catch Surf trunks and Odysea Stump for some fun in Nicaragua.


Brother Chris Seaweed Party Catch Surf Jesse Overall Bernie s-s wovenChris Devine of Sea Weed party full throttle in the Catch Surf Jesse overalls and Bernie s/s woven top. Pic: Mike Haight

Jamie O'Brien Catch Surf Odysea Skipper soft surfboard BackdoorJamie O'Brien making it look far too easy on his signature Odysea Skipper board.  Pic: Mark Susuico


Tyler Stanaland Catch Surf clothing Laguna BeachTyler Stanaland posing hard in the Catch Surf Mikinley flannel and Beater Surf Club beanie.


Kyle Calandra grabbing a little rail in Laguna Beach on the 5'6" Odysea Skipper.


Blair Conklin Catch Surf Odysea Stump soft surfboard clothing NicaraguaBlair Conklin again, soaking up some early December tube time in Nicaragua.


Matt Banting Catch Surf Odysea LOG Beaterboard BeaterMatt Banting secret training for the Catch Surf World Softboard League.

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